When we're thrown suddenly and unexpectedly into a different routine, a different life, it is normal to feel unbalanced, anxious and stressed. We can shift into a fight or flight mode or 'survival' and this effectively takes our brains offline to deal with the perceived threat and fear of the situation and this in turn affects our ability to focus and be productive.
Acknowledge that it's ok to feel how you do. Although it's easy to feel that our lives are suddenly out of our control, we can choose how we react to the position we are in.
Focus on your breath. If you feel anxious or overwhelmed please pause and take 15 slow breaths either by counting or by internally saying inhale, exhale.
It’s so important to stay as healthy as possible by bringing in some movement of your choice; taking regular breaks throughout the day and always getting some fresh air. Life will continue to flow and it's important to flow with it as calmly as we can.